March 20, 2021Business 20

Gear Up to Summer NAMM®

From June 28th through June 30th,  Summer NAMM  will be coming to the Music City Center in Nashville, TN! With over 14,000 registered, 1,650+ brands, and over $5 billion in spending, this event is an ideal time for businesses to network and for retailers to find new products to sell. Summer NAMM will be offerin …

March 20, 2021Business 20

Gear Up to InfoComm 2018

Get ready for the largest pro-AV event in North America. Hosted from June 6th through June 8th in Las Vegas, this year’s  InfoComm  will include a thousand exhibitors, thousands of products, and over 40,000 attendees! Whether you’re attending InfoComm or not, you should be paying attention — a lot of exciting information is going …

March 20, 2021Business 20

The World is Your Stage: The Content Creation Movement

Audio and video content creators rejoice! In the past, you would have to find a platform, convince  business  owners that your content was compelling and eventually make it to the stage. In today’s always-on world of social media, you can have a platform anywhere! Your content can easily be found and shared online, helping to grow your …

March 20, 2021Business 40

How Music Retail Has Evolved

The retail industry has been changing rapidly in recent years, with more and more customers choosing to do their shopping online, rather than in traditional brick and mortar stores. The music industry is no exception to this trend. If you are part of a  retail store for musical instruments  and equipment, it is imperative that you evol …

March 20, 2021Business 30

Modern Steered Array Speakers: What You Need to Know

When considering speakers for your audio system, whether it be a house of worship, corporate boardroom, music venue or bar, the choices are seemingly endless. Where the selection of a speaker becomes most crucial to the intended application, is in highly reverberant spaces where the physical environment itself is not setup with acoustics …

March 20, 2021Business 50

The Emergence of the Silent Stage and What Equipment is Best

Traditionally, performance stages are very loud. In many cases, the listener’s experience can be more enjoyable  because  the performance is louder. The music can be felt, as well as heard. However, noise levels can quickly get out of hand as there is a point of diminishing return for the audience’s enjoyment. Loud stages are hard to c …

March 20, 2021Business 20

Video Conferencing: Our Shrinking World

Whether or not you realize it, telecommunications have a major impact on our daily lives. Video calls, conferencing and sending video messages are starting to become the norm for both personal and professional environments. Video conferencing in any form is becoming more and more accepted as an efficient means of communication. This type of te …

March 20, 2021Business 20

How Assistive Listening Can Create Effective Communication

Many people are under the assumption that assistive listening devices only help people with hearing loss. However, assistive listening has many different components and can used in a variety of situations. They can be used during a noisy factory tour, to listen more closely to the audio in a sports bar, museum or gallery tours, during meetings or i …

March 20, 2021Business 20

The Benefits of Sound Masking for a Business

The best office work environments are those where employees can concentrate and focus on their work. But sometimes it’s tough when there is a lot of noise, which creates constant distractions. This leaves many offices in a bit of a paradoxical situation — keep the office quiet, which is ideal for working, yet also have enough employees and equipmen …

March 20, 2021Business 20


Welcome to the McFadden Blog! Our goal is to provide valuable, applicable content to you, the reader. Leveraging almost 80-years of experience, we hope to offer insight into  real-world applications and current topics in the Music Retail and Professional Audio industries. We hope this blog will spark interest in how our partnered brands can pl …